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The ongoing pandemic has left people around the world in panic and now the government is also after your privacy because now the US UK and Australian government battling the industry of instant messengers like WhatsApp, Facebook etc. to comply with them when they want to access the personal data and messages of people when…

Read More WhatsApp Is Saving Encryption For Your Messages

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There are multiple services and apps that are used by people in daily life and these are not just for fun. A lot of things on digital platforms re actually very useful in many ways but there is always a risk online. The risks that you are vulnerable to while using the internet include getting…

Read More Skype Phishing Attack 300 Million Users Vulnerable

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Internet security for some people might seem like a problem limited to hackers but there is more to it. While there are millions of active users of the internet many also are not real or the term is fake. These fake users can be counted as people with wrong information and fake details. Using different…

Read More New AI Tool By Facebook Takes Down Fake Accounts

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One of the biggest companies running on the internet includes Facebook that was primarily a social media platform. Facebook has grown rapidly taking over other leading messaging and social media platforms. WhatsApp and Instagram were the big moves and yet again Facebook is trying to move forward in a similar direction. A dating app by…

Read More Facebook Dating Restricted Before Launch In Eu

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Firefox is the web browser that has been around for a long time along with other leading web browsers. The browsers that we use regularly are mostly preferred for their performance but things are a bit different now. In recent times a lot of different issues have come up including privacy and security issues. A…

Read More Firefox Users Get To View Collected Telemetry Data