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While everyone likes the internet and all the services that they can access using it there are always risks. Risks of getting attacked by hackers that can mess with victims as much as they like. The most popular way for hackers to attack is by using malware that they try to get into the system…

Read More WiFi Password Stealing Malware Reported By Researchers

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Recent times have shown the increased number of cybercrimes that always get us closer to troubles. Sometimes the data breaches that happen in big companies other times large scale attacks on platforms. This is still going on while more people are sticking to the internet during lockdowns. As more people are staying online to spend…

Read More Gmail Accounts Getting Targeted By Phishing Attacks

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The world is right now forced to stay indoors and the internet is getting more users all day throughout the week. While people are spending time on the internet this is also the only source to connect to the outside world. For connecting to others on the internet social media is the best place as…

Read More Facebook Will Now Inform Users About False Information On Corona

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In this modern digital world safety and security is something that always has some space for development. There is always room for a bit extra safety while everyone is trying to stay safe. Most of the tech giants are working on ways to make digital life for users safer. This is done usually by making…

Read More Google Now Supports More Devices to Use Security Keys

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Internet security for some people might seem like a problem limited to hackers but there is more to it. While there are millions of active users of the internet many also are not real or the term is fake. These fake users can be counted as people with wrong information and fake details. Using different…

Read More New AI Tool By Facebook Takes Down Fake Accounts