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There have been a lot of data breaches in the last few years all over the world with both private and government targeted. The news has been around once in a while reporting different data breaches and bugs resulting in compromised data. A report has come out that shows a huge number of data breaches…

Read More Multiple Data Breaches From Canadian Officials

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Google Chrome is the leading web browser that is accessible to all and it has features like extensions that make it better. Extensions are the extra thing that you can add to your browser for extra features and they are actually pretty handy.  Google chrome also has a store for such extensions as well from…

Read More Around 500 Chrome Extensions Collecting User Data

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One of the biggest companies running on the internet includes Facebook that was primarily a social media platform. Facebook has grown rapidly taking over other leading messaging and social media platforms. WhatsApp and Instagram were the big moves and yet again Facebook is trying to move forward in a similar direction. A dating app by…

Read More Facebook Dating Restricted Before Launch In Eu

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Privacy and security are not really the clearest thing at this moment for anyone after the different events that have happened recently. All the tech companies failing to keep the user data safe for different reasons as they get attacked by hackers or they face bugs. There are other companies that are willingly using their…

Read More Security Concerns With Wacom Data Handling

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There are a lot of cases that include security and data breach due to the presence of a bug that gets exploited by attackers. Various cases have come up to the public with the most popular companies failing at different levels. There are companies that get attacked and the user data gets compromised while sometimes…

Read More Critical Citrix RCE Bug Still Threatening