Safety on all the different platforms is a huge problem you can’t always trust what you are using. At times you come through the thought of how your work related or personal payments might be unsafe. Payments are one of the greatest risk in online platforms. Your personal data as well as your bank details are connected to the payments you do and these once accessed can be really you. Now you can actually make your payments safer using the Open Source Project OpenSK by Google as you can make your USB dongle into usable U2F key or FIDO.
This Open Source Project By Google was announced recently and is great for anyone will to take extra precautions while using internet. The OpenSK can be installed on dongles to make secure access on internet. It goes beyond other authentications such as passwords and biometric. Usually you are forced to use passwords and pins for accessing and making online services and there are not many ways of making keys by yourself for these. You can make your own hardware key for authentication with this open source project by Google. FIDO protocol is used with this firmware and gives you extra layer of protection on your hardware key.
These hardware keys are better for authentication and and FIDO protocol becomes accessible to you with OpenSK. You can enhance your safety while making payments using your hard drive key made using this open source project. This firmware works Nordic dongle that is uncased USB device which can be used as hardware key after installation of OpenSK. As handy as it seems this isn’t the product that you can use for making hardware keys rather than buying them. OpenSK might be a good move but this is still just a research based project.